Friday, May 26, 2017

“When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive”

What this means is that we all have some things people have done to us, We always find it hard to forgive because they have made us angry and upset and not want to see that person ever again. In time you may have to learn that staying mad at a person may not help you recover for what they did to you. You may be at the point where you hate them with all your guts but someday you'll have to forgive them. It will help you feel better and not grow old of having to have this hate build inside you. An example is if a person did the bad to lie you behind your back and end up hating that person for years now. You really don't want to be mad at them the rest of your life you won't recover so you finally forgive them. Another example is if that person stole your love and never gave it back to you. It's been years now and you need to just confront that person and get it done with then do it you'll feel much better. Forgiving will the best thing you'll ever do and you feel good about it and won't have to hate someone for the rest of your life.

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